SuppApp: Now never worry about forgetting you cell phones.


This is very new application in android market but its powerful features leaves all the application in this categories aside!!  It’s friendly interface is very impressive.

Basic Functionality: It will notify incoming messages, missed call, received calls, dialed calls to specified phone number or email address. It will also add the number and name(if its present in your contact list) in the notification. It has in-built filter to exclusive block some contact(if you don’t want to receive notification form certain number) or exclusive allow any contact(if you want to receive notification only from certain number).

What makes this application different??

The main functionality which makes it different from any other app in this category is its in-built REMOTE CONTROLLER!!

To use this app you need to set a password. Which will be used for remote verification and will also be needed to change the setting manually. So you are super safe 🙂

REMOTE CONTROLLER: Using this feature you can configure your app from any mobile in the world. App has the concept of admin privilege, this privilege can be given to any number either manually or through remote log in into the application. Only Admin Privileged number change the current settings of the Application. There is series of per-defined commands to control your mobile from admin privileged number.


suppose you have not specified any number in admin list and you don’t have physical access to your mobile.

Step 1: Log in to you mobile using any cell phone by sending this command through SMS.

supp login <password>

password: is the specified password in the Application.

Step 2:Now you are logged in so you can send the next command to get the current settings of the Application


This will send the current settings of your Application.

Now you have the current settings so you can change it to meet your needs. There is series of commands to change you settings. DON’T FORGET TO REMOVE THE CURRENT NUMBER FROM THE ADMIN LIST IF YOU DON’T TRUST THE THAT NUMBER using command(supp logout).



Command Documentation:



1. Commands can be sent throught SMS from any number to change SuppApp settings as per your request

2. Commands will only be executed if command is sent from number with Admin privilege. Admin privilege can be takend by predefining the Admins(inside Remote Controller settings) OR by login (using “supp login <password>” command).

3. Commands are not case sensitive. So you can use upper case, lower case or mixture of both.a

4. One or more command can be specified in one SMS by separating it from “;”


supp login <password>

It will add the number(from which command was received) to admin list, if the password matches with password specified in [Remote Controller->Password]

supp logout

It will remove the number(from which command was received) from admin list.


It will return the details of current settings

supp start

It will set the application to start sending notification as per application settings.

supp stop

It will stop the application from sending notifications.

supp shut down

It will stop the app. After this app will not respond to any command as it will not be running and service will not start automatically after boot.

supp turn filter <argument>

It will turn the filter on/off based on argument. Argument can be: on/off
supp turn filter on, supp turn filter off

supp via sms argument

It will turn sms notification on/off based on argument. Argument can be: on/off
supp via sms on\nsupp via sms off

supp via email argument

It will turn email notification on/off based on argument. Argument can be: on/off
supp via email on supp via email off

supp add/remove email recp <argument>

It will add/remove the specified email(argument) from email recipient list. one or more email can be specified separated by  “;”.
supp add/remove email recp
supp add/remove email recp,

supp add/remove sms recp <argument>

It will add/remove the specified phone number(argument) from SMS recipient list. one or more phone number can be specified separated by  “,”
supp add/remove sms recp 1234567890
supp add/remove sms recp 1234567890,9999999999

supp add/remove admin <argument>

It will add/remove the specified phone number(argument) from admin list.
supp add/remove admin 1234567890
supp add/remove admin 1234567890,9999999999

supp reset email recp <argument>

It will reset the email recipient list, argument is optional. If argument is not specified the email recipient list will be emptied!!. One or more email address can be specified separated by  “,”. List will be set to the specified argument clearing the previous list.
supp reset email recp
supp reset email recp,

supp reset sms recp argument

It will reset the sms recipient list.  argument is optional. If argument is not specified the sms recipient will be emptied!!. One or more phone number  can be specified as argument separated by  “,”. List will be set to the specified argument clearing the previous list.
supp reset sms recp 1234567890
supp reset sms recp 1234567890,9999999999

supp reset admin <argument>

It will reset the admin list.  argument is optional. If not specified the list will be emptied!!.  one or more phone number  can be specified as argument separated by  “,”. List will be set to the specified argument clearing the previous list.’
supp reset admin 1234567890
supp reset admin 1234567890,9999999999